Five Discoveries That Completely Transformed Our Planet
Although it is hard to highlight all of the innovations that changed the course of history, there are a few that stand out as being clearly revolutionary. There are a great number of innovations that have had a significant impact on people's lives, but the following five are ones on which virtually everyone can agree.

The Spinning Hub
There are
those who believe the wheel to be the most significant development in human
history. The idea of a rolling cylinder wasn't inconceivable to begin with, but
putting one together presented some difficulties. A permanent axle was required
for the mechanism to function properly. The holes in the wheels and the ends of
the axle required to be round and smooth so that they could be joined together
to form a fixed axle with rotating wheels. To achieve good rotation, axles
needed just the appropriate amount of tension to fit correctly into the wheel
holes. Before the Sumerians in Mesopotamia devised the wheel, other crafts such
as basket weaving, sewing needles, woven cloth, and the boat had already been
developed. The invention of the wheel resulted in a variety of additional
developments, such as wheelbarrows and chariots, and altered the way in which
people worked, traveled, and lived. Other technological advancements, such as
mills and steamboats, as well as a couple of the innovations on this list, may
all trace their origins back to the wheel, which is both simple and remarkable.
The Lift or the Lift
The origins
of the mechanisms that enable vertical transport go back thousands of years. In
236 BC, the Greek mathematician Archimedes developed a crude elevator that was
powered by ropes, pulleys, and a capstan. Archimedes' invention was first used
in that year. The wild beasts that were kept beneath the Colosseum in ancient
Rome were transported to the arena using a series of up to 28 lifts, each of
which could hold 600 pounds and required as many as eight men to operate. In
the year 1854, Elisha Otis constructed an elevator that included a safety
mechanism for the first time. This was the beginning of the elevator as we know
it today. His safety hoist kept elevators from tumbling to the ground in the
event that a chain or rope snapped. The designs that his business produced at
the time were revolutionary, and even now, the Otis Company is considered to be
the most successful player in the elevator industry.
Invention of the Printing Press
the name Johannes Gutenberg is commonly associated with the invention of the
printing press, he was not the first person to put printed material through a
press. The earliest printed text ever discovered was a Buddhist scroll that was
produced in China and written using block printing. However, in 1436, Gutenberg
made improvements to printing that permanently altered the course of history.
The printing machine developed by Gutenberg made use of metal blocks, with each
letter being represented by its own block. Molds were developed in order to
mass produce blocks of each letter. In addition to that, he made use of a wine
press in order to apply consistent pressure to the metal type. His biggest feat
was the production of 200 copies of the Bible using his press in under three
years, which was an astonishingly quick pace for that time period. Gutenberg's
press was never given the recognition it deserved during his lifetime; thus, he
died destitute, and his creditors took custody of his presses after he passed
away. But when he passed away, after the printing press gained popularity, books,
pamphlets, and papers were more readily available and affordable, and literacy
rates in Europe grew beyond the confines of the society's elites.
The idea of
preventing disease by vaccination is rather ancient. The practice dates back to
Buddhist monks who ingested snake venom and to people in China in the 17th
century who purposefully exposed their skin to cowpox in an effort to protect
themselves against smallpox, a disease that is closely related to cowpox but is
much more lethal. But the British physician Edward Jenner was the one who laid
the groundwork for the subject of vaccineology in 1796 when he developed the
first vaccine against smallpox. From that point on, Louis Pasteur made
significant contributions to the discipline by producing vaccinations against
cholera, anthrax, and rabies. By 1970, there were individual vaccines available
to treat potentially fatal cases of measles, mumps, and rubella; the following
year, an American scientist named Maurice Hilleman combined these vaccines into
a single formulation (MMR). Over the course of his career, Hilleman was
responsible for the development of over 40 vaccines, including treatments for
hepatitis A and B, meningitis, pneumonia, and many others. The discovery of
vaccinations and their further development have helped save a significant
number of lives all across the world.
The Personal Computer
difficult to conceive of a facet of modern civilization that the computer
hasn't altered in some way, and that's saying a lot. Even while many people had
a hand in developing what we now refer to as a computer, there are a few really
brilliant minds who deserve special recognition. Charles Babbage, a
mathematical prodigy, is credited with being the first person to propose the
concept of an autonomous digital computer. He had a vision of a machine that
would be able to carry out mathematical calculations and would also feature a
memory unit. His concept, which he called the analytical engine, incorporated
features that are found in modern computers. In 1946, John William Mauchly and
J. Presper Eckert were responsible for a significant advance that was made
possible by their work. The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer was
the first ever general-purpose computer, and it was developed by two scientists
working at the University of Pennsylvania (ENIAC). After a disagreement
regarding a patent, Mauchly and Eckert left the university and went on to
establish their own business. It is essential to keep in mind that the
contributions of six female programmers, who are not as well known as their
male counterparts, were essential to the development of the ENIAC.
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